Medium and Reconnection®-Certified Practitioner

    M E D I U M S H I P

    Essence / Issue-Centered Mediumship: 

    This mediumship, without prior information, is a form of higher communication with the essence of all beings, living or in the Spirit world, human, animal, plant, mineral, spirit and other worlds.

    This form of communication has been said by clients to be very accurate, usually providing some combination of the following:

    • via Debra, provides a form of connection and communication between the client and other essences, (non-) living, (non-) present, (un) seen
    • goes beyond facades to the basic (non-) spoken, hidden realities and motives
    • offers (neutral) evaluation of the situation, issue, essence and appropriate transformative process to be carried out by the client
    • new and/or deeper understanding / verification / confirmation / validation / substantiation for the client regarding one's Self, the other essence, issues, situations
    • a sense of accessibility, connection, evaluation, work-out, clarity, forgiveness, getting unstuck, completion, release, freedom, lightening up, new energy and perspectives
    • the opportunity to make new SELF-directed choices by extracting the real value from the past, being in the Presence/present and consciously create one's future

    This mediumship can be conducted per ZOOM, telephone, Skype or as appropriate and possible, in person.

    SELF-Facillitation Mediumship:

    • This is a 3-5 hour session to facilitate the conscious meeting with the Pure True Authentic Self, with the following intentions and results, one('s):
    • begins to recognize the difference between the Pure True Self's presence and that of the little ego
    • starts building a conscious relationship with the Pure True Authentic Self
    • begins to restore the sovereignty over one's life to the Pure True Authentic Self
    • begins to perceive, be and live their Pure True Authentic Self
    • gains new and different perspectives of one's SELF, others and of one's environment, usually accompanied by a deep 'AHA!!!' moment
    • usually experiences a deeper level of forgiveness of one's self, one's past and all involved, even if previous work has been done in various areas
    • enhances a sense of oneness with one's Self
    • 'little ego' re-discovers its true place and purpose
    • begins to be SELF-guided to implement Its Will and purpose in one's life

    Life Journey Analysis:

    By integrating a variety of methodologies with intuition and mediumship, a lifemap is manually produced which tells the following about the essence: character, tendencies, fields of destiny, timed life phases and suggested learnings, relationship evaluation, timed and likely flows regarding specific areas, e.g., personal business life, specific relationships, money, personal growth and development, spirituality, etc., as well as addressing specific questions and answers.


    Disclaimer: All information given is the opinion of the facilitator and 'is NOT cast in stone'. The current likely tendencies are given and the client's personal free will, choice, dynamic and personal growth and development can change the direction of the currents and outcomes. The client is completely responsible for their own life and choices and the facilitator is in no way liable for those choices or the client's choice to follow the information offered solely for the client's consideration.

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